Too many of us are just surviving

When we are in trauma we can’t see beyond it. Trauma makes us feel stuck, like we don’t have a choice.

The word ‘Trauma’ comes from 17th century Greek, and literally means wound. What is important to realise is that the wound can heal, and though there will always be a scar, it is possible to live with that scar; to move on from it, and have a rewarding, joy-filled life.

The body keeps the score

To cope with stress, our nervous system responds with fight, flight or freeze. Impactful events are felt in the body. It is the place where stress is being stored, and it is crucial to address it on this level. Talking alone doesn’t reach it, but working on a physical level, with breathing and yoga for instance, can. Furthermore, understanding trauma and making this accessible, will help to normalise talking about it and reduce stigma.

Become the owner of your body again

Triggers are always there. The better you know your needs, the more you learn how to respond to them.
When people start to feel that there’s something they can do themselves, they feel empowered to make choices. This facilitates healing. We want to make people aware of the subtle changes in their body, that they don’t have to be stuck forever, to give them hope and kick start wellbeing.

Once we understand trauma and begin to see it as a wound, then the real work of healing can actually begin