A platform for healing and empowerment

A collaboration of like minds, coming together to heal.

The people behind the behaviour

This is not just a workshop or a retreat. The Trauma Healing Summit is a platform to encourage healing on a greater level. It’s about gathering the tools we need for empowerment, for ourselves, and for community as a whole. A kick-off for many more activities in the field such as workshops and retreats, podcast etcetera.

Anouk and Karlijn share a holistic approach to trauma treatment and awareness. They specialise in trauma-informed practises that get to the root of the problem, giving people the tools they need to balance the nervous system. The summit strives to spread understanding about trauma, so the real work of healing can actually begin.

  • Anouk is a psychologist, trauma therapist, and yoga teacher. She has a broad range of experience in the field of trauma, both in the Netherlands, and internationally.She has a private practice in Meerssen where she focuses on non- medical methods in healing, for both adults and children. She believes in the healing power of connection, safety and compassion, and emphasises this in her work in an authentic and sincere way.

  • Karlijn is a dedicated yogini and yoga teacher, specialised in breath work and trauma informed yoga. She has a background as a social worker in addiction, collaborating with psychologists to educate about trauma sensitive yoga and body-oriented approach. Karlijn believes that taking a trauma sensitive approach is fundamental, and is driven to help people feel safe again in their own bodies.

It’s all about feeling safe, about seeing the people behind the behaviour, and not just the label.

Understanding trauma is essential for the health of society. It’s important not just to talk about suffering, but to see the people behind the behaviour, to help them to grow, heal and move on.

Let’s pay it forward

Part of the proceeds of this summit will go to the orphans of Deenabandhu Trust, India, one of the projects sponsored by Yoga Gives Back.

Karlijn and Anouk are united in their commitment to pay their trauma learnings forward. As an ambassador of Yoga Gives Back, Anouk has regularly volunteered with the Deenabandhu Trust, and so knows firsthand the incredible work they do to make a real difference in the children’s lives, and therefore the credibility of this charity.

Yoga Gives Back, is a charity that gives back to India, the country that gave us the gift of yoga. They raise funding and awareness to empower women and children in India, with education, scholarships, and business assistance. The Deenabandhu Trust is one of these projects.

Labels do not always facilitate living

Conventional trauma treatment looks at symptoms and not at the underlying cause, labels often just get in the way. Labels, stress, addictions, all the disorders, all of it leads back to an underlying trauma, an imbalance of the nervous system. Once we get to the essence of this, we can finally learn the tools to heal.